Denture FAQs
Which alginate should I use?
Alginate impressions can shrink and expand due to loss and imbibition of moisture if not poured immediately. We recommend using Hydrogum impression material due to its stability during storage. We always pour impressions the same day; if the impression is taken after the drivers have collected that day please store the impressions in the fridge.
What’s the turnaround time?
Please give 7 days in lab between stages, and put the return date as the day before the patient is due to avoid any near misses. Chrome framework stages take 14 days. Shorter turnaround times are available but incur an extra charge.
Do I need a special tray?
Probably. If you don’t request one and the impression isn’t good enough to complete the job we will inform the practice and send a special tray with the next stage.
What impressions do you require for the addition of clasps and teeth?
Please send us an impression of the denture in situ and an impression without it. Dentures don’t always fit onto models properly due to their rigid nature so a record of both is necessary.
Which shade guide should I use?
We use Senator teeth for our analogue dentures; other teeth are available upon request. Please call us on 0121 725 0535 for a Senator shade guide free of charge.