Digital Denture FAQs
Can it be done straight from a scan?
In instances where the bite can be recorded accurately and enough soft tissue detail has been captured, digital dentures can be sent to fit after a digital preview. This normally requires pictures to allow us to accurately predict the appearance of the denture after fit.
Should I send pictures?
Yes please! Pictures enable us to produce a digital preview and allow us to stain and glaze teeth accurately for a realistic appearance.
What’s the turnaround time?
Please give 7 days in lab between stages, and put the return date as the day before the patient is due to avoid any near misses. Valplast® digital dentures take 14 days. Shorter turnaround times are available but incur an extra charge.
Will I need a special tray or any analogue stages?
Where the scan has not captured enough detail to allow us to fully extend the denture or where the bite cannot be accurately recorded, we may ask you to carry out special tray impressions or an analogue bite. These can be provided on printed models from the initial scan.
Which shade guide should I use?
Please use a Vita shade guide for digital dentures or make us aware of the shade guide used in the notes section.